Lovely Friends

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Mexican Yellow Rice

Hi guys.. Good morning. What do you have for breakfast today? Nasi lemak? Roti canai? Nasi kerabu atau nasi berlauk? Oh really miss nasi berlauk Cik Ana kat Kelantan. Seriously sedap. Really miss Kelantan's food. Hihi

Mostly orang Johor jarang makan nasi pagi-pagi except nasi lemak. Kadang-kadang tu makan nasi lemak, letak ayam lagi, campur bihun lagi. Ada lah orang tu kan :p *If you read this, then I'm sorry. Hihi* Tapi untuk orang luar yang dah lama duduk Kelantan, maybe mereka dah biasa makan berat pagi hari.

Anyway, today I made Mexican Yellow Rice for breakfast. It's delicious. HOWEVER, I put a bit much salt. By accident. So, it is a bit salty. I took the recipe from Laura's website. Love most of her recipe. I've tried a few and some of it works out but some of them are disaster. Hewhewhew.

This recipe is very easy. All the ingredients, I'm sure you'll have it in your kitchen. So, let's get started!


Recipe: Laura In The Kitchen

You will need:

1 cup of Long Grain Rice
2 Tbsp of Light Olive Oil
1 Small Onion, finely diced
1 Small Red Bell Pepper, seeded and finely diced
1 8oz can of Tomato Sauce *I only used a bit, about 6 tablespoon*
1 ½ cups of Chicken Stock
½ tsp of Ground Tumeric
½ tsp of Ground Cumin
1 tsp of Granulated Garlic
½ tsp of Oregano
4 Cloves of Garlic, minced
Salt and Pepper, to taste

In a saucepan, add the olive oil along with the onion, bell pepper and garlic and let them cook together over medium heat until the onion becomes translucent.

Add the rice, stir it around with the onion mixture for about a minute. 

Add the tomato sauce, chicken stock, tumeric, cumin, oregano, granulated garlic, salt and pepper. 

Place a lid on the pot, reduce the heat to medium low and simmer for about 15 to 20 minutes or until the rice is tender. 

Fluff it up with a fork and serve it right away! 



1 cawan beras Basmathi (ikut citarasa masing-masing nak guna beras apa)
2 sudu besar minyak zaitun
1 labu bawang kecil - dipotong dadu
1 tangkai cili merah - dipotong dadu
8 oz (220gm) sos tomato
1 ½ cawan stok ayam (kalau agak-agak kurang air, tambah ye)
½ sdt serbuk kunyit
½ sdt serbuk jintan halus
1 sdt serbuk bawang putih
½ sdt oregano
4 ulas bawang putih - dicincang
Garam dan lada hitam secukup rasa

Tumiskan bawang, cili dan bawang putih sehingga layu.

Masukkan beras yang telah dicuci bersih. Gaul hingga beras sebati dengan bahan tumis.

Kemudian masukkan stok ayam, sos tomato, serbuk kunyit, serbuk jintan, serbuk bawang putih, oregano, dan serbuk bawang putih. Perasakan dengan garam dan lada hitam.

Kacau sebati dan tutup periuk. Masak dengan api sederhana kecil selama lebih kurang 20 hingga 30  minit.

Selamat mencuba !

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